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Foglalkozz komolyabban Önmagaddal és kötelezd el magad valamelyik programunk mellett!
Választhatsz az alábbi csomagokból és fizethetsz kártyával, vagy szimplán fizethetsz banki átutalással is.
Utalás esetén a megjegyzés rovatba, kérlek, írd be azt a dátumot, amikor kezdeni szeretnél.
Banki átutalás
Szolnoki Zsolt
Magnet community bank
Válassz egy előfizetéses csomagot
Soundbathing Block of 5
23 000FtÉrvényes 3 hónapra- Valid for 3 months
- For Soundbathing this plan applies only
Introduction pack
10 500FtTry out 3 different classes before dedicating yourselfÉrvényes egy hónapig- Up to 3 sessions in 1 month
- Includes all the classes (not the soundbathing sessions)
Block of 5 classes
17 000FtEmbark on a Journey of Learning and Growth with Our Block of 5 Classes PackageÉrvényes 3 hónapra- Valid for 3 months
- All classes included (not the soundbathing sessions)
Block of 10classes +
33 000FtEmbark on a Journey of Learning and Growth with Our Block of 10 Classes PackageÉrvényes 5 hónapra- Valid for 5 month
- All classes included (not the soundbathing sessions)
2 month challenge
29 000Ft10 classes in 2monthÉrvényes 2 hónapra- Valid for 2 months
- All classes included (not the soundbathing sessions)
- Usable for one person only
Monthly membership
29 000FtHavontabe Awake, be Aware, be the TempleÉrvényes 3 hónapra- 3 months programme, unlimited classes every month
- All group classes included (not the soundbathing sessions)
- Usable for one person only
Grand Development
50 000FtHavontaThat little extra power to break the ice and reach the sky!Érvényes 3 hónapra- + Includes 5 FREE passes to our group sessions&events/ month
- 1 Consultation session about the programme
- 1hour consultation with a Coach/ Instructor/ Physiotherapist
- 4 individual sessions/month (any)
Private Yoga/Pilates
99 000FtA block of 10 private sessionsÉrvényes 6 hónapra- + Includes 5 FREE passes to our group classes
- Block of 10 Private Yoga/ Pilates class
Hollistic Wellness Journey
130 000FtIndividual sessions (package of 10)Érvényes 6 hónapra- Physiotherapy
- Somatic body training
- Breathwork & Mindfulness training
- Soundbathing session
- + Includes 5 FREE passes to our group classes
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